XV World Forestry Congress - Call for Abstracts and Side Events(情報掲載2020/7/22)


来年5月、ソウルで開催される World Forestry Congress の情報提供がありましたのでお知らせいたします。

XV World Forestry Congress - Call for Abstracts and Side Events

Dear IUFRO Officeholders,

The XV World Forestry Congress will be hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea from 24 to 28 May 2021 and held at the COEX Convention and Exhibition Center in Seoul.

The Congress will bring together global forest stakeholders to review and analyze key challenges facing the sector and ways to address these. IUFRO has always played a very active role at the WFC contributing alongside diverse participants from all regions and sectors; including the public and private sector, NGOs, CSOs, scientific or professional bodies, and forestry societies. The theme of the XV World Forestry Congress is Building a Green, Healthy and Resilient Future with Forests.

It is our pleasure to inform you that the XV World Forestry Congress Secretariat is calling for submissions of abstracts for papers and posters that illustrate ideas and examples of innovation, research findings, best practices and pathways that are relevant to the overall theme and one more sub-themes. The call for papers, posters and side events is open until August 31st, 2020, so be quick to make your submission via the WFC website.

For abstracts for voluntary papers, posters and videos: http://wfc2021korea.org/sub02/abstract.html
For side events: http://wfc2021korea.org/sub02/side_events.html

We welcome you to notify IUFRO HQ about any side events that your Unit decides to submit.

Alexander Buck
Executive Director

URL ; http://www.forestplanning.jp/
E-mail; jsfp_office@forestplanning.jp(@を小文字にして下さい)